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Recipe for Inner Peace

Yoga, meditation, and lots of prayer. These are a few of the ingredients in my personal recipe for inner peace. When I’m stressed, hurt, disappointed, or frustrated, I center myself. Still and quiet, peace comes to me.

Historically, humanity doesn’t remain peaceful for long. Eruptions arise within our inner circle and the world at large more often than not. Between COVID, political unrest, and domestic terrorism, this certainly is one of the more intense periods of disruption we’ve seen in the U.S. for some time.

How can we remain calm and peaceful with so much going on? I believe we can outweigh the negative with positivity and goodness. The more peaceful we are within ourselves, the more we extend that tranquility far out beyond us.

Here are a few suggestions for promoting personal peace. Focus on one or mix them up for a relaxing cocktail. I’d love to hear what you can add to this list.

  1. Begin the day with a positive thought.

  2. Practice daily relaxation in a quiet setting.

  3. Meditate.

  4. Pray. Pray. Pray.

  5. Accept what can’t be changed.

  6. Turn off the electronics.

  7. Exercise.

  8. Breathe consciously.

  9. Forgive and ask to be forgiven.

  10. Let go of petty disputes and disappointments.

  11. Volunteer at a homeless shelter or food pantry.

  12. Avoid books, movies, and online activities that include violence, inequality, cruelty, or profanity.

  13. Surround yourself with gentle, loving people.

  14. Attend in-person or virtual church services

  15. Avoid gossip and unsubstantiated posts.

  16. Give thanks for your many blessings.

  17. Smile at strangers.

  18. Treat others respectfully.

  19. Check on elderly neighbors.

  20. Read inspirational books and other writings.

  21. Pray for peace.


If I say I will pray for you, I really will. See my latest post, “Praying for Those on Your List,” on my other blog, Mary K Doyle Books.

Have you checked out my latest book, Inspired Caregiving?

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Mary K. Doyle writes from her heart supported by credible information as a colleague, neighbor, friend and family member. From poetry and nature to caregiving and prayer, you're sure to find a book written with you and your needs in mind.

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