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Young in the Spirit

Young in the Spirit. Spiritual Strengthening for Seniors and Caregivers


Our aging society is obsessed with looking, feeling, and staying young. We diminish wrinkles, cover the gray, whiten teeth, and firm sagging skin. Another option in our search for the fountain of youth may well be to strengthen our faith. Research is showing that spirituality is one of the keys to longevity and vitality. People with strong faith do indeed live longer, happier, and healthier lives.


More importantly, building our faith is also an important factor in our transition from this life to the next. The body is a temporary vessel and a temple for the Holy Spirit while on earth. But our soul exists eternally and so demands the greatest attention. Nurturing faith then becomes increasingly more important with age.


Young in the Spirit. Spiritual Strengthening for Seniors and Caregivers, addresses the benefits of spirituality in regards to aging and ways in which one’s faith can be strengthened. Suggestions are substantiated with personal experiences, credible studies, statistics, Scripture, and Tradition in this very readable book.


Some ways are ones we can seek out and build on such as daily prayer, friendships in the faith community, and sharing our spiritual autobiography. Others are naturally encountered with age. Illness, loss of loved ones, and caring for our parents, spouses, and siblings, and requiring care ourselves, places us in positions of physical and spiritual vulnerability. These situations also offer us opportunities to lean on the Lord, saints, and angels and tap into the Christ within each of us.

Young in the Spirit

  • Award Winning


    125 Pages

    ISBN 978-0-96774-495-7


    3E Press


Mary K. Doyle writes from her heart supported by credible information as a colleague, neighbor, friend and family member. From poetry and nature to caregiving and prayer, you're sure to find a book written with you and your needs in mind.

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