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Time Out

Christmas 1955 (2)

You are hereby given a time out. You are instructed to sit quietly and do nothing for at least 20 minutes. This is not a punishment. It is a mental health break.

‘Tis the season for running crazy: shopping, wrapping, baking, visiting, hosting, spending more money than we should, eating too many Christmas cookies, and getting even less sleep in our sleep-deprived lives. No wonder we approach the holidays sick, exhausted, and irritable.

We can’t experience much joy in this magical season when we are in such a weakened condition. Let’s do ourselves a favor and take time to rest and rejuvenate. In the big scheme of life, it doesn’t matter if there is one less greeting card, gift under the tree, or homemade dessert on the table.

©2014, Mary K. Doyle

(Photo: Me, my mother, and brother, John Michael. Christmas 1955)

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